Monday, July 29, 2019

WCCRCF Passes PREA Audit

The Winston Choctaw County Regional Correctional Facility (WCCRCF) completed a Federal audit on Monday with a 100% rating.  The audit, a requirement of the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) is conducted every three years at all facilities housing state prisoners. 

Warden Neal Higgason
PREA audits are conducted to reduce acts of sexual violence and facilities must comply with 43 standards. Higgason indicated that WCCRCF passed the two day audit with 100% compliance and no deficiencies. The federal audit staff indicated that WCCRCF was "one of the best facilities" that they had audited, according to Higgason.

The Winston County Sheriff's Office gives a big thank you to Warden Higgason and his staff at WCCRCF for all their work and efforts.